Tips for Organizing your Closet

Jan 21
Tips for Organizing a Closet

While we often think of the spring season as the time to get organized, you don’t have to wait for warmer weather to tidy up your space. The new year presents the perfect opportunity to go through your wardrobe and get rid of what no longer serves you. Here are tips on organizing a closet so you can feel refreshed and ready to take on the year ahead—without so much clutter.

Empty everything out

Removing everything from your closet may seem a bit crazy and overwhelming, but it’s beneficial for several reasons. First, you can see if any loose shirts or shoes have been stuffed into corners, never to be seen again. Secondly, taking out all your items helps you see everything you own and enables you to get rid of stuff you no longer use or wear. Lastly, with your closet empty, you can clean it. Wipe down any shelves and sweep or vacuum the ground. This way, you will be starting with a clean base when you go to put things back in place.

Cut the clutter

Now that all your clothes and accessories are out and in front of you, it’s time to get rid of the things you no longer wear. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, it’s safe to say you won’t be putting it on any time soon. If something is in good condition but no longer fits you, donate it. Hanging on to old clothes that you hope will fit one day is not beneficial for your closet space or psyche. If you’ve held onto a holey sweater because you told yourself you would fix it, but you don’t even own a sewing kit, toss it. Be realistic with what you reach for and what compliments your current style. Then, you can get rid of anything that no longer makes sense.

Consider closet organizers

Sometimes, a closet’s storage capabilities are lackluster. That’s when closet organizers can be helpful. An Atlanta Interior Designer recommends a closet kit that fits into the allotted space and has different sets of drawers and hanging solutions. A closet kit is especially beneficial if your wardrobe is large and your closet lacks sufficient storage. If a closet kit isn’t necessary for your needs, you can add a few bins to store loose accessories or install a few extra hooks for added storage capabilities.

Organize accordingly

Once you have settled on which items you are keeping and which ones are being donated or thrown out, it’s time to put your closet back together. Choose an organizing system that makes sense to you: do you prefer your shirts to be grouped together by color? Or do you want your blouses separate from your sweaters? Choose a system that visually makes sense for you and enables you to see all the clothes you own so you don’t end up wearing the same pieces over and over.

Keep it clean

While a chaotic closet is sometimes part of the ebbs and flows of life, try to keep it at a baseline of organization for your sanity. If your clothes often end up on the floor, consider finding better hangers that prevent your items from slipping. You should also think about moving your laundry hamper closer to your closet to avoid tossing your clothes on the ground or a chair. If a daily clean up is not possible, try to allot time at least once a week to tidy up your closet space, which will help you avoid a big mess down the line.

With the new year comes the chance to refresh ourselves and our space. By following the tips above, you can start the year with a clean closet and a clear mind.

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