How to Design a Home Gym

Sep 21
How to Design a Home Gym

Many gyms are limiting the number of people allowed in their facilities. So you may show up one day and not be able to get on a machine. Or maybe you don’t feel comfortable working out in a shared space at the moment. Right now, there is no greater convenience than having a gym in your own home. But don’t just put your exercise equipment in the corner of a room and call it a day; it’s important to decorate appropriately and create a space that encourages you to workout. Read on to discover tips on how to convert your extra space into a home gym that inspires you to stick to your workout regimen.

Convert a spare room

Think about the type of workouts you do. Do you use big machines to lift? Are you into Barre and Pilates? Select a spot for your gym that is conducive to the type of exercises you’ll be performing. However, the more space you have, the better. Garages, spare rooms, and basements are great choices according to a Virginia Beach interior designer. As you convert the area, be sure to eliminate all clutter from the room. Clutter can distract you from your workout and stress you out. Want a natural workout booster? Try to pick a space that gets lots of sunlight, which will improve your mood while exercising.

Paint with purpose

Color plays an influential role in our minds, so you should paint your gym in a tone that aligns with your goals, says the Fort Smith Professional Painters. Shades of blue promote focus and relaxation. It’s a great choice if you are going to use your gym for yoga or Pilates. Neutral tones such as beige or grey will encourage a more serious and ambitious mentality. And if you can’t decide, you can never go wrong with a clean white! It brightens the space and energizes you throughout your workout.

Create some distractions

If you’re someone who dreads working out, it can be helpful to distract your mind before and during your routine. Install a sound system to blast your favorite pump-up songs or a TV so you can multitask and catch up on your favorite show. TVs are also smart additions if you like to follow YouTube workouts or stream classes online. You could decorate the room with sports memorabilia to remind yourself of your team’s iconic championship win. Still have that box of old trophies you just can’t seem to part with? Your home gym is the perfect place to show them off and reminisce on the glory days. If sports aren’t your thing, consider painting a motivational quote or mural on one of the walls.

Get a feel for flooring

When selecting flooring, you want to keep safety in mind. Non-slip flooring such as rubber will prevent careless injuries and can withstand the wear and tear of exercise equipment. If you prefer a more professional look, opt for wood flooring, which is shock absorbent and durable. However, you should also add rubber mats under equipment that gets dropped, like weights, to prevent it from scratching and splintering the wood. 

Fix your form

Including mirrors in your gym can help prevent injury as well as add to the aesthetic. They can make smaller spaces appear larger than they actually are and bounce light around the room. Mirrors also provide instant feedback and allow you to monitor your form to ensure quality workouts. Not to mention, they enable you to watch your body transform over time and admire all your hard work. Be sure to install the mirror flush with the wall — leaning it will distort what you see and make the mirror less effective.

Home gyms can be so much more than just a treadmill and free weights sitting in the corner of your basement. By following the tips above, you can create a home gym that motivates you and keeps you active while you continue to social distance.


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