How to Beat the Winter Blues

Dec 12

The holiday season is upon us! As in years past, all of the fun the holidays bring is going to come and go in the blink of an eye. Soon enough, we’ll be in January 2019 and for many, the seasonal depression will begin. With a lack of daylight and cold weather keeping us cooped up inside, it’s easy to succumb to the winter blues. Fortunately, there are a few interior decorating tips and tricks you can use to transform your home and keep your spirits bright.

  • Let natural light in. Natural sunlight increases Vitamin D production and helps regulate hormones like melatonin and serotonin, which affect your mood. Having low levels of serotonin can lead to depression. To combat this, open your blinds daily to let as much natural light in as possible. Replace your existing light bulbs with their LED Natural Light counterparts and turn them on as the sun begins to go down.
  • Dress up your decor. Once all of the holiday decorations have been packed away, you home can feel almost empty. To make the transition out of the holiday season easier, leave the more generic decor out until Valentine’s Day rolls around. Your winter greens will withstand the test of time and keep your home feeling cheerful. To further bolster this mood, use brightly colored throw blankets and pillows to cover your couch or purchase a new area rug to breathe life to your living room or den.
  • Incorporate color. The colors you use in your home decor can influence your mood, so incorporate as much color as you can into your post-holiday decorating. If you’re making plans to improve your home in the new year, consider the array of colors available to use in your designs. Oyster Bay painters recommend brightening your home with a new or dramatic paint color. You could also add something to your walls, like stripes or wainscoting. This small but mighty upgrade could be just what you need to feel rejuvenated within your own home.
  • Bring nature indoors. Plants not only look beautiful, they also combat air pollution. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), which are found in common household products like paint and cleaning supplies, have been linked to health problems like headaches and nervous system damage. Indoor plants cleanse the air of these harmful compounds. Plants also promote feelings of tranquility and are a simple way to combat the winter blues.
  • Show your bathroom some love. Small bathroom upgrades like recaulking or swapping out hardware can work wonders. Plus, most of the time, you can handle updating your bathroom on your own without having to hire a professional. Make small but mightly changes to your bathroom so that you have a place to retreat on those extra dreary winter days.

Don’t let the winter woes get the best of you. You’re stuck inside most of the winter anyway, so you might as well enjoy the interior of your home! Make it extra cozy with these upgrades.

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