Monochromatic Color Schemes That Work

Feb 17

Monochromatic color schemes make a bold statement when done right. By using a single color in various shades, you add drama and sophistication to any room. Reference a paint swatch to achieve a monochromatic color scheme that works. Paint swatches show you the same color in tones that range from rich and saturated to pale and pastel.

Incorporate a monochromatic color scheme in the following ways:

  • Bedroom. Take color theory to the next level by decorating your bedroom in a monochromatic scheme. Using a single color palette helps create a soothing environment – ideal for resting after a long day. CertaPro Painters of Cape Coral can paint the walls a cool shade of blue to set the relaxing tone. Opt for a deeper tone for your bedding set and balance the room with a patterned area rug and curtains. Instead of adding pops of color, bring the room together by accessorizing with white lamp shades, white picture frames, and more.
  • Living Room. Try a neutral monochromatic theme in your living room to showcase how simplicity can be elegant. Since the shades in the room will blend, use accessories to add texture. Throw pillows and blankets in varying fabrics will add depth and bring visual interest to an otherwise simple aesthetic.
  • Kitchens. The hub of many homes, the kitchen is often a place that gets cluttered easily. A monochromatic color scheme sets a clean tone for this space right from the start. Cream-colored cabinets against warm beige granite countertops speak to a sophisticated palette. Create dimension in the room with a backsplash that has visual movement and lay your flooring on an angle to establish flow. Kitchenware like glasses, vases, and wicker baskets become your accessories without cluttering the space.

Unfortunately, monochromatic design schemes can easily go wrong. Do not use the same shade of your chosen color in the same visual space. For example, matching the tone of the wall color to the tone of the window treatments blends too much. Instead, your wall color should be a few shades lighter than that of your curtains. Also, avoid using bright colors to create a monochromatic scheme in small spaces like the bathroom. The color will overpower the room and make it feel even smaller than it already is.

With these tips in mind, you are on your way to creating a sophisticated monochromatic scheme for your home!

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