Smart Home Office Styles

Aug 24

Believe it or not, some folks don’t commute to work. They don’t waste time traveling. They don’t spend a lot on gas and meals. And the best of all, they work with their Pajamas on. These are the benefits that a home office can offer. However, there can be a lot of distractions when working at home. Perhaps your dog wants to go for a walk, or the laundry needs to be done. Ultimately, you find your time divided between working and trying to deal with these distractions. With the right office layout, you can prevent yourself from becoming preoccupied and complete all of your work in a timely and efficient manner! Smarten up your home office with these simple tips

  1. De-clutter regularly. Things can get messy in a home office, which can slow down your progress. You need to make it a habit to purge your home office of the books, knickknacks, and paper piles you don’t utilize. Any items taking up space or serving no purpose has to go. Resist the urge to use your home office as a storage unit. 
  2. Remember ergonomics. Your office furniture should be comfortable enough to sit in for prolonged periods of time. Experts say your computer should be eye level to avoid straining your neck. Similarly, your keyboard should be positioned in such a way that your forearms are parallel to the floor. Adjust you chair so that your feet can rest upon something comfortably.
  3. Install ample lighting. We are talking of natural light and how it can boost your productivity. You see, many people instinctively put their office desk in a dark corner when working at home. They tend to think that this position will minimize distraction as much as possible. However, the darkest corner of the room will only create the corporate cubicle. No one wants this. To solve this problem, move your desk to the window and make it parallel to the panes. This position gives you the benefit of soaking in natural light. It’s also a very good reason to take short breaks from your computer to look outside.
  4. Bring creative storage spaces. Typical office furniture will come with filing cabinets, yet these are not the most attractive of furniture to have in an office these days. And the biggest challenge with a home office is that you will handle papers every day. So if you’re the kind of person who needs to see something to remember working on it, consider wall storage such as magazine-style racks.

With these tips, you can smarten up your home office for increased productivity. You will be glad that you implemented these tips and they worked to your advantage. For more home office decorating tips, reach out to the Shivers’ Design Team, a talented group of Springfield, MO interior decorators.

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